Meet the UnderGrad Team

ADEN GAGNON (he/him)

Aden is a fourth year BA student in the Honours Psychology Program at the University of Alberta. He began volunteering in the AIDAN Lab December 2021, and began the Honours program in September 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Brown. In his free time Aden can usually be found running, swimming, and hiking, or some combination of the above. He also appreciates working in a lab that shares the same name.


Emma is in her final year of the Honours Psychology program at the University of Alberta. She began volunteering for the AIDAN Lab in January 2022 and she is currently completing her undergraduate honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Brown. Emma has a passion for working with people and has volunteered and worked in respite care with the Autistic population for the past four years. She loves the opportunity that the AIDAN Lab provides her to learn more about autism, research, advocacy, and neurodiversity. Her goal is to pursue a career in Speech-Language Pathology. Outside of school and work, she can be found walking through Edmonton's river valley, reading, and trying new restaurants around Edmonton.

Olivia Cadence (she/her)

Olivia is a third-year BA Honors Psychology student at the University of Alberta. She began volunteering for the AIDAN Lab in November 2022, and plans to do her honors thesis under the supervision of Dr. Brown. Olivia is very passionate about working with people/children and currently works and volunteers with children. She decided to join this lab, to learn more about autism, neurodiversity, and advocacy. Once Olivia graduates, she plans on going to graduate school to become a counselling psychologist. When she is not working or at school, you can find her walking her dog, hiking in the mountains, or going on bike rides around the city. 

Natalia Alvarez (she/her)

I am currently in my second year of secondary education bachelor's with a major in Biological Sciences and a Minor in CTS: Design. I started Volunteering with AIDAN Lab in January of 2023 and hope to keep volunteering for this lab till I graduate. Students who are neurodiverse is something that I hope to specialize in the future as I noticed while working in schools that there should be more of a space for support and understanding for students who are neurodiverse and hope to learn as much as I can so that that I can apply it to my future classrooms to help my students and future colleges. Dr. Brown taught one of my education courses, and I fell in love with the topic through her class. However, I like to walk my dog, swim, and cook in my free time.

Kyle Flynn (he/him)

Kyle is a third year BSc student in the Honours Psychology Program at the University of Alberta. He began volunteering in the AIDAN Lab in June 2023 and will be writing his honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Brown as part of his undergraduate degree. As an autistic person, Kyle has a passion for helping others on the spectrum, which he has done as a childcare worker and Taekwondo Instructor. Now he hopes to continue through autism research and helping his campus community with the AIDAN Lab. In his free time, Kyle is an avid weightlifter, composer, and writer, and can often be found doing those things in the company of his two cats.

Our Neurodivergent Team Members

Kyle Flynn

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